Healthy Hedonism: 5 Sweet Snacks I Love

Cravings happen to all of us. I don’t understand people who say they don’t crave a sweet treat every now and again – WHO EVEN ARE YOU?! A little sweet treat here and there makes food a joyful experience, to be savoured and shared with friends, or enjoyed solo with a healthy hot chocolate for dessert.

Here’s my current go-to when sweet cravings kick – without the guilt of a sugary chocolate bar! Just note that as it’s Easter, I totally admitted to eating a Lindt Bunny for lunch – full sugar, milk chocolate bunny – with zero regrets. It’s all about balance baby!

1. Coated Almonds

Sometimes raw nuts just don’t hit the spot. We all know almonds are packed with healthy fat, fibre and protein, so why not try some yoghurt coated ones when you need a healthy, sweet snack? I LOVE the new ‘Dipped + Dusted’ range from Shelby’s. The Rasberry Dark Chocolate and Matcha Yoghurt Almonds (made with ceremonial grade matcha sourced from Kyoto) are my absolute favourite. Best of all? They have no refined sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols!

2. Progurt

Greek yoghurt + protein powder = progurt. Amazing if you’re super hungry and really need to amp up your protein intake. If you’re dairy free, try it with coyo or soy yoghurt and your favourite vegan protein. I usually go for traditional chocolate with 1/2 tsp raw cacao for that extra chocolatey kick.

3. Snack or Protein Bars

There are so many natural snack bars on the market now – the choice is yours! Make sure you avoid added sugar, fillers, preservatives and sugar alcohols (anything ending in -ol, like malitol). My ultimate indulgence is THIS Peanut Butter, Dark Chocolate + Coconut Bar. They also have 10g of protein!

4. Berries

If you’ve ever visited Australia (or are lucky enough to live here!) you’ll know the berries here are NEXT LEVEL. They’re so juicy and flavourful – I always have stacks of them in my fridge and grab a handful when I’m not super hungry but just need that sweet kick in my mouth.

5. Healthy Hot Chocolate

I have one of these after dinner every single night. I’m such a creature of habit. I think having ‘pudding’ every night growing up in the UK is to blame for me needing after-dinner sweet somethings. Instead of tucking into Jam Roly Poly, I heat up 200ml of almond milk and a whisk in a few tsp of stevia chocolate drinking powder. YUM.

What are some of your favourite healthy sweet snacks? Help your fellow sisters out and leave a comment below!

from The Fit Foodie

Healthy Hedonism: 5 Sweet Snacks I Love

Cravings happen to all of us. I don’t understand people who say they don’t crave a sweet treat every now and again – WHO EVEN ARE YOU?! A little sweet treat here and there makes food a joyful experience, to be savoured and shared with friends, or enjoyed solo with a healthy hot chocolate for dessert.

Here’s my current go-to when sweet cravings kick – without the guilt of a sugary chocolate bar! Just note that as it’s Easter, I totally admitted to eating a Lindt Bunny for lunch – full sugar, milk chocolate bunny – with zero regrets. It’s all about balance baby!

1. Coated Almonds

Sometimes raw nuts just don’t hit the spot. We all know almonds are packed with healthy fat, fibre and protein, so why not try some yoghurt coated ones when you need a healthy, sweet snack? I LOVE the new ‘Dipped + Dusted’ range from Shelby’s. The Rasberry Dark Chocolate and Matcha Yoghurt Almonds (made with ceremonial grade matcha sourced from Kyoto) are my absolute favourite. Best of all? They have no refined sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols!

2. Progurt

Greek yoghurt + protein powder = progurt. Amazing if you’re super hungry and really need to amp up your protein intake. If you’re dairy free, try it with coyo or soy yoghurt and your favourite vegan protein. I usually go for traditional chocolate with 1/2 tsp raw cacao for that extra chocolatey kick.

3. Snack or Protein Bars

There are so many natural snack bars on the market now – the choice is yours! Make sure you avoid added sugar, fillers, preservatives and sugar alcohols (anything ending in -ol, like malitol). My ultimate indulgence is THIS Peanut Butter, Dark Chocolate + Coconut Bar. They also have 10g of protein!

4. Berries

If you’ve ever visited Australia (or are lucky enough to live here!) you’ll know the berries here are NEXT LEVEL. They’re so juicy and flavourful – I always have stacks of them in my fridge and grab a handful when I’m not super hungry but just need that sweet kick in my mouth.

5. Healthy Hot Chocolate

I have one of these after dinner every single night. I’m such a creature of habit. I think having ‘pudding’ every night growing up in the UK is to blame for me needing after-dinner sweet somethings. Instead of tucking into Jam Roly Poly, I heat up 200ml of almond milk and a whisk in a few tsp of stevia chocolate drinking powder. YUM.

What are some of your favourite healthy sweet snacks? Help your fellow sisters out and leave a comment below!

from The Fit Foodie

5 tips to balance study, work and life

It feels like you’re juggling a thousand things and you jump from one priority to the other. I do it all the time. It’s a constant dance of dealing with deadlines and responsibilities that can leave you feeling exhausted. Whilst managing 3 businesses, blogging, accounting, a social life, a fitness regime, meditation practice, family contact (across the world) and a Clinical Nutrition degree at Endeavour College, I’ve learnt a thing or two about managing my time effectively.

Try following these steps to an effective, productive, balanced life when you have many balls in the air!

1. Set boundaries

Boundaries are essential to maintain a balanced life. Knowing and understanding your own limits is key here – which only comes with practice. Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t manage everything perfectly all of the time. It’s a work in progress, and four years after leaving full-time work I’m still finding my groove! Consider what triggers your stress, what workload you can actually tolerate, and the quality of life you want to maintain. This will help you with step 2 below.

2. Batch + Compartmentalise.

Create a schedule by blocking out time for certain tasks and follow it. You have roughly 16 waking hours to play with so use your time consciously to make the most of each one. Eg. 1 hour workout, 1 hour for social media engagement, 2 hours for study or self-improvement, 1 hour social time, 1 hour answering emails etc etc. Be sure to leave room for personal appointments, interruptive phone calls and errands, and don’t forget to add important deadlines such as exams or project end dates.

3. Learn how to best manage your own stress

When you’re juggling a million things and your to-do list seems never ending, stress management needs to be something you really focus on. This can be trail and error – what works for me may not work for you. There are SO many ways to get your zen on – meditation, a jog, walking the dog, chatting to a mate, painting your nails, reading, taking a bath. Whatever it is, add it into your schedule DAILY. It’s a non-negotiable, like brushing your teeth. If you want / need to juggle so many things at once, you just need to do it.

4. Nourish,  Move, Hydrate + Sleep.

Your brain doesn’t function well if one of these 4 pillars is lacking. Prioritise 7-8 hours of sleep a night, feed yourself wholefoods full of vitamins and minerals, drink 3 litres of water a day and don’t neglect your steps.  Helpful tips to make this easier:

  • Keep a big bottle of water next to you so you mindlessly sip on it.
  • Stretch on waking and before bed.
  • Set a timer to stand up and move for ten minutes for every hour your sat working.
  • Fatty fish, dark chocolate, green tea and blueberries and my go-to brain foods for focus.

5. Reward yourself

You’re working yourself to the bone with a new structure (including self-care time) – here comes the reward to pat yourself on the back to keep that motivation buzzing. Give yourself permission to put yourself first and  lock in a monthly massage, a weekly facial, a coffee with a loved one – whatever truly brings you joy and lets you completely detach yourself from your responsibilities. Make sure it’s something you really look forward to. If you hit a speed bump, it can keep you eye focused on the end goal.

So now it’s time to put this into practice – grab a calendar and get scheduling.

from The Fit Foodie

5 tips to balance study, work and life

It feels like you’re juggling a thousand things and you jump from one priority to the other. I do it all the time. It’s a constant dance of dealing with deadlines and responsibilities that can leave you feeling exhausted. Whilst managing 3 businesses, blogging, accounting, a social life, a fitness regime, meditation practice, family contact (across the world) and a Clinical Nutrition degree at Endeavour College, I’ve learnt a thing or two about managing my time effectively.

Try following these steps to an effective, productive, balanced life when you have many balls in the air!

1. Set boundaries

Boundaries are essential to maintain a balanced life. Knowing and understanding your own limits is key here – which only comes with practice. Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t manage everything perfectly all of the time. It’s a work in progress, and four years after leaving full-time work I’m still finding my groove! Consider what triggers your stress, what workload you can actually tolerate, and the quality of life you want to maintain. This will help you with step 2 below.

2. Batch + Compartmentalise.

Create a schedule by blocking out time for certain tasks and follow it. You have roughly 16 waking hours to play with so use your time consciously to make the most of each one. Eg. 1 hour workout, 1 hour for social media engagement, 2 hours for study or self-improvement, 1 hour social time, 1 hour answering emails etc etc. Be sure to leave room for personal appointments, interruptive phone calls and errands, and don’t forget to add important deadlines such as exams or project end dates.

3. Learn how to best manage your own stress

When you’re juggling a million things and your to-do list seems never ending, stress management needs to be something you really focus on. This can be trail and error – what works for me may not work for you. There are SO many ways to get your zen on – meditation, a jog, walking the dog, chatting to a mate, painting your nails, reading, taking a bath. Whatever it is, add it into your schedule DAILY. It’s a non-negotiable, like brushing your teeth. If you want / need to juggle so many things at once, you just need to do it.

4. Nourish,  Move, Hydrate + Sleep.

Your brain doesn’t function well if one of these 4 pillars is lacking. Prioritise 7-8 hours of sleep a night, feed yourself wholefoods full of vitamins and minerals, drink 3 litres of water a day and don’t neglect your steps.  Helpful tips to make this easier:

  • Keep a big bottle of water next to you so you mindlessly sip on it.
  • Stretch on waking and before bed.
  • Set a timer to stand up and move for ten minutes for every hour your sat working.
  • Fatty fish, dark chocolate, green tea and blueberries and my go-to brain foods for focus.

5. Reward yourself

You’re working yourself to the bone with a new structure (including self-care time) – here comes the reward to pat yourself on the back to keep that motivation buzzing. Give yourself permission to put yourself first and  lock in a monthly massage, a weekly facial, a coffee with a loved one – whatever truly brings you joy and lets you completely detach yourself from your responsibilities. Make sure it’s something you really look forward to. If you hit a speed bump, it can keep you eye focused on the end goal.

So now it’s time to put this into practice – grab a calendar and get scheduling.

from The Fit Foodie

Insider: International Women’s Day x The Body Shop

To help celebrate International Women’s Day, female media and influencers (including me!) were invited to the Heart Café in Bondi Beach courtesy of The Body Shop. Aren’t I lucky?!

I was surrounded by incredible women from all walks of life, and the energy in the room was crackling with excitement. Mutual admiration was felt all-around for such strong, gifted, driven ladies all in one space. I felt so privileged to be invited, and check out the beautiful new Shea Range from The Body Shop at the same time. Did you know all their products are not tested on animals? They’re also VEGAN now too, if that’s your jam.

Speakers included Australia’s first female Foreign Minister The Honourable Julie Bishop MP (who incidentally demonstrated how to check your breasts for lumps – what a legend!), author and academic Dr Susan Carland, CEO of the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria Antoinette Braybrook, and specialist breast cancer surgeon Dr Chantel Thornton. Whilst they all were all rockin’ totally different careers – the underlying message was the same: realising gender equality.

I’m such a fan of The Body Shop as a brand – they’re huge supporters in empowering women and have been for many years. The stories of their humble beinnings are enough to inspire any girl boss. If you havent read up on that, google it.

I was incredibly lucky to be sandwiched between the incredible Charlotte Blakeney – jewellery designer and owner of ByCharlotte, and TV Host Maddison Sloane. What a duo!! Massive girl crushes on both of them now.

Check out the beautiful snaps from the day below thanks to Shayben Photography. Massive thanks to One Daydream PR who organised the coming together of such incredible women in one room.

We heard from some of the most influential women in Australia discuss gender equality.
The Body Shop’s Community Trade Shea Butter product alone helping the women of Ghana by providing community projects like healthcare, sanitation, water and education that benefit 49,000 people every year.

Drooling over that vegan food? Check out there 7 Vegan Sydney Cafes!

from The Fit Foodie

Insider: International Women’s Day x The Body Shop

To help celebrate International Women’s Day, female media and influencers (including me!) were invited to the Heart Café in Bondi Beach courtesy of The Body Shop. Aren’t I lucky?!

I was surrounded by incredible women from all walks of life, and the energy in the room was crackling with excitement. Mutual admiration was felt all-around for such strong, gifted, driven ladies all in one space. I felt so privileged to be invited, and check out the beautiful new Shea Range from The Body Shop at the same time. Did you know all their products are not tested on animals? They’re also VEGAN now too, if that’s your jam.

Speakers included Australia’s first female Foreign Minister The Honourable Julie Bishop MP (who incidentally demonstrated how to check your breasts for lumps – what a legend!), author and academic Dr Susan Carland, CEO of the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria Antoinette Braybrook, and specialist breast cancer surgeon Dr Chantel Thornton. Whilst they all were all rockin’ totally different careers – the underlying message was the same: realising gender equality.

I’m such a fan of The Body Shop as a brand – they’re huge supporters in empowering women and have been for many years. The stories of their humble beinnings are enough to inspire any girl boss. If you havent read up on that, google it.

Check out the beautiful snaps from the day below thanks to Shayben Photography. Massive thanks to One Daydream PR who organised the coming together of such incredible women in one room.

We heard from some of the most influential women in Australia discuss gender equality.
The Body Shop’s Community Trade Shea Butter product alone helping the women of Ghana by providing community projects like healthcare, sanitation, water and education that benefit 49,000 people every year.

from The Fit Foodie

3 Natural Face Masks to Make at Home

With long nights, social commitments and work deadlines filling up on inboxes – stress and poor diet choices can start to creep in. Not only does it take a toll on our sleep and usual healthy habits, but it shows in our skin too. We’ve all been there. That’s when we really need to carve out a bit of self-care time, once or twice a week, to help manage your hectic schedule. You can’t conquer the world without your confidence!

When it comes to the skin on our face, you might be so kind as to cleanse and moisturise it morning and night, but how often do we give it some real TLC with a nourishing deep treatment? Forget expensive facemasks and creams from the beauty giants – all the nourishment you need is sat in your kitchen cupboard for a tenth of the price. Superfoods aren’t just for your insides – when applied topically, they can provide your skin with all the nourishment you need to boost that healthy glow.

Here are three super-simple DIY face masks for you to try at home, minus the hefty price tag.

1. Pick your favourite mask below based on your skin concern.

2. Mix the ingredients well and apply to clean, dry skin.

3. Grab a girlfriend and lock in some couch-time to let these penetrate your skin for 20-30 minutes.

4. Remove using a clean, damp face towel and warm water.

5. Drink a large glass of water to help boost that glow!


For Dry Skin

Combine 1/4 cup oatmeal with 1/3 cup hot (not boiling) water.

Site For 3 Minutes, then add 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 1 tablespoons manuka honey and 1 tablespoon plain yoghurt. Mix well.

How it works:

Manuka Honey is packed with antioxidants to help fight wrinkles and aging skin. It’s  also a natural antibacterial, which helps to prevent and fight acne, and draws moisture into the skin to leave it feeling soft.


For Dull Skin

Mash together 1/2 avocado, with 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp sea salt flakes and 2 tsp manuka honey.

How it works:

Salt works as an exfoliator to remove dead cells, whilst the vinegar helps to brighten the complexion


For Redness and Breakouts

Mix ¼ cup plain yoghurt with 1 tsp manuka honey, 2-3 drops of tee tree oil and 1 tsp activated charcoal powder.

How it works:

Clinical trials have shown that manuka honey is an effective broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Breakouts caused by bacteria will benefit from a bit of honey loving! Tea tree is an anti-inflammatory, so any redness or skin infections can benefit from just a few drops. Activated charcoal draws out bacteria and micro0-particles to the surface of the skin, so you can cleanse deeply.


READ MORE: 6 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water


Follow me: @thefitfoodieblog

from The Fit Foodie

3 Natural Face Masks to Make at Home

With long nights, social commitments and work deadlines filling up on inboxes – stress and poor diet choices can start to creep in. Not only does it take a toll on our sleep and usual healthy habits, but it shows in our skin too. We’ve all been there. That’s when we really need to carve out a bit of self-care time, once or twice a week, to help manage your hectic schedule. You can’t conquer the world without your confidence!

When it comes to the skin on our face, you might be so kind as to cleanse and moisturise it morning and night, but how often do we give it some real TLC with a nourishing deep treatment? Forget expensive facemasks and creams from the beauty giants – all the nourishment you need is sat in your kitchen cupboard for a tenth of the price. Superfoods aren’t just for your insides – when applied topically, they can provide your skin with all the nourishment you need to boost that healthy glow.

Here are three super-simple DIY face masks for you to try at home, minus the hefty price tag.

1. Pick your favourite mask below based on your skin concern.

2. Mix the ingredients well and apply to clean, dry skin.

3. Grab a girlfriend and lock in some couch-time to let these penetrate your skin for 20-30 minutes.

4. Remove using a clean, damp face towel and warm water.

5. Drink a large glass of water to help boost that glow!


For Dry Skin

Combine 1/4 cup oatmeal with 1/3 cup hot (not boiling) water.

Site For 3 Minutes, then add 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 1 tablespoons manuka honey and 1 tablespoon plain yoghurt. Mix well.

How it works:

Manuka Honey is packed with antioxidants to help fight wrinkles and aging skin. It’s  also a natural antibacterial, which helps to prevent and fight acne, and draws moisture into the skin to leave it feeling soft.


For Dull Skin

Mash together 1/2 avocado, with 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp sea salt flakes and 2 tsp manuka honey.

How it works:

Salt works as an exfoliator to remove dead cells, whilst the vinegar helps to brighten the complexion


For Redness and Breakouts

Mix ¼ cup plain yoghurt with 1 tsp manuka honey, 2-3 drops of tee tree oil and 1 tsp activated charcoal powder.

How it works:

Clinical trials have shown that manuka honey is an effective broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Breakouts caused by bacteria will benefit from a bit of honey loving! Tea tree is an anti-inflammatory, so any redness or skin infections can benefit from just a few drops. Activated charcoal draws out bacteria and micro0-particles to the surface of the skin, so you can cleanse deeply.


READ MORE: 6 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water


Follow me: @thefitfoodieblog

from The Fit Foodie

The Best Healthy Cafes in Byron Bay

Best Healthy Cafe’s in Byron Bay

Byron is an amazing destination for so many reasons, but the food here is HIGH up on that list. After multiple trips there to zen out from busy Sydney city life, I feel well-placed to give you my favourite haunts for health food. Think epic acai bowls, avocado toast and poached eggs you ever did eat! You probably caught it all on my ‘gram at @thefitfoodieblog, right?!

The Farm

Set in one of the most beautiful settings just out of Byron town centre is The Farm – which plays host to restaurant Three Blue Ducks. Their main-stay restaurants in Bronte and St Peters in Sydney are SO crowded on weekends, but with good reason. The produce is fresh, the portions generous, and the menu inventive with seasonal produce. Load up on their salads with herbs fresh from their garden beds, local roasted pumpkin, and don’t forget the house-made almond milk in your coffee. It’s also open for dinner, but service can be slow later in the day. Just get on Byron time and suck it up.


Bayleaf Cafe

Bayleaf is in the centre of Byron and is the perfect spot for a healthy weekend brunch and people watching. Hang out with a delicious Dandelion Chai and watch the surfers stroll past with their boards. You’ll want to get there early for a table, but if you hit the rush, hang out for a cuppa at their sister cafe next door until a table comes free. The favourite dish here? the ceviche (seasonal) or green brekkie bowl (below).



Quintessentially Byron. It’s chill, pretty, with a herb patch and a healthy, wholefoods menu using local and seasonal produce. They use mis-matched grandma’s plates in a nod to being eco-friendly, but the outdoor seating area looks anything but dated. Very instagrammable – standing on tables and chairs is expected. So is a man-bun or dreadlocks.



This is the sister cafe to Folk (see above) which plays host to exactly the same menu. Don’t change what works, right? The interior is just as beautiful and is set in a little community of cute boutiques and interior stores. Head out to Bangalow (15 minute drive from town) for a change of scenery and a slower pace. Take a book, order your favourite salad and chai, and kick back with your new Rowie purchases from next door.


The General Store

I love the vibes of this place. it has outdoor seating or laid-back sunny afternoons. Plenty of vegan and veggie options if thats your thing, and the old-school pre-commercial Byron hippie vibes. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone wearing shoes here. There’s also a swing to sip your latte on. Well worth the ten-minute walk out of town. More good green bowls, eggs, avocado and acai bowls here.



With house made nut mylks, amazing smoothies & raw cakes, Combi is healthy dessert heaven. Don’t overlook the all-day lunch menu either though – it’s all organic. Not a huge range of savoury dishes, but the raw Phad Thai is a fresh, delicious salad if you’re after something light. Or head in for brekkie and treat yourself to the Peanut Butter Acai Bowl topped with chocolate granola and fresh banana slices. A sweet tooth’s DREAM.


Of notable mention is also Harvest (although this is a 15-minute drive from Byron in Newrybar) which has the most amazing oysters, and everything is locally bought, grown or foraged.

Topshop has good acai bowls. Grab a blanket from the basket and sit on the grass outside.

Roadhouse is also epic for breakfast and lunch (and even dinner, when they feel like it!) but the opening hours are super erratic. Get your fill of mushroom lattes, bulletproofs or wood fired king prawns. They also do homemade pizzas if your SO isn’t feeling the health vibes.

Did I miss any of your favourite healthy Byron spots? Share them in the comments below!

from The Fit Foodie

The Best Healthy Cafes in Byron Bay

Best Healthy Cafe’s in Byron Bay

Byron is an amazing destination for so many reasons, but the food here is HIGH up on that list. After multiple trips there to zen out from busy Sydney city life, I feel well-placed to give you my favourite haunts for health food. Think epic acai bowls, avocado toast and poached eggs you ever did eat! You probably caught it all on my ‘gram at @thefitfoodieblog, right?!

The Farm

Set in one of the most beautiful settings just out of Byron town centre is The Farm – which plays host to restaurant Three Blue Ducks. Their main-stay restaurants in Bronte and St Peters in Sydney are SO crowded on weekends, but with good reason. The produce is fresh, the portions generous, and the menu inventive with seasonal produce. Load up on their salads with herbs fresh from their garden beds, local roasted pumpkin, and don’t forget the house-made almond milk in your coffee. It’s also open for dinner, but service can be slow later in the day. Just get on Byron time and suck it up.


Bayleaf Cafe

Bayleaf is in the centre of Byron and is the perfect spot for a healthy weekend brunch and people watching. Hang out with a delicious Dandelion Chai and watch the surfers stroll past with their boards. You’ll want to get there early for a table, but if you hit the rush, hang out for a cuppa at their sister cafe next door until a table comes free. The favourite dish here? the ceviche (seasonal) or green brekkie bowl (below).



Quintessentially Byron. It’s chill, pretty, with a herb patch and a healthy, wholefoods menu using local and seasonal produce. They use mis-matched grandma’s plates in a nod to being eco-friendly, but the outdoor seating area looks anything but dated. Very instagrammable – standing on tables and chairs is expected. So is a man-bun or dreadlocks.



This is the sister cafe to Folk (see above) which plays host to exactly the same menu. Don’t change what works, right? The interior is just as beautiful and is set in a little community of cute boutiques and interior stores. Head out to Bangalow (15 minute drive from town) for a change of scenery and a slower pace. Take a book, order your favourite salad and chai, and kick back with your new Rowie purchases from next door.


The General Store

I love the vibes of this place. it has outdoor seating or laid-back sunny afternoons. Plenty of vegan and veggie options if thats your thing, and the old-school pre-commercial Byron hippie vibes. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone wearing shoes here. There’s also a swing to sip your latte on. Well worth the ten-minute walk out of town. More good green bowls, eggs, avocado and acai bowls here.



With house made nut mylks, amazing smoothies & raw cakes, Combi is healthy dessert heaven. Don’t overlook the all-day lunch menu either though – it’s all organic. Not a huge range of savoury dishes, but the raw Phad Thai is a fresh, delicious salad if you’re after something light. Or head in for brekkie and treat yourself to the Peanut Butter Acai Bowl topped with chocolate granola and fresh banana slices. A sweet tooth’s DREAM.


Of notable mention is also Harvest (although this is a 15-minute drive from Byron in Newrybar) which has the most amazing oysters, and everything is locally bought, grown or foraged.

Topshop has good acai bowls. Grab a blanket from the basket and sit on the grass outside.

Roadhouse is also epic for breakfast and lunch (and even dinner, when they feel like it!) but the opening hours are super erratic. Get your fill of mushroom lattes, bulletproofs or wood fired king prawns. They also do homemade pizzas if your SO isn’t feeling the health vibes.

Did I miss any of your favourite healthy Byron spots? Share them in the comments below!

from The Fit Foodie